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What is Duo?

An introduction to the Duo post-purchase referral program.

Xavier Dersy avatar
Written by Xavier Dersy
Updated over 4 months ago

Duo revolutionizes customer acquisition by seamlessly integrating a post-purchase referral program with a cashback incentive, outperforming traditional referral rewards.

✨ Lifecycle

  1. Activation: After each purchase, Duo automatically generates a unique discount code for your customers to share. To ensure engagement and drive timely referrals, these discount codes have a limited validity period.

  2. Redemption: When this discount code is shared and redeemed by a new customer, the original customer earns cashback.

  3. Merchant validation: Merchants have the final say. They can choose to approve or decline cashback rewards.

🚀 Advantages

  1. Gain more referrals: Duo's unique approach helps brands increase their word of mouth marketing by targeting customers at the right place right time and with the right incentive. Cashback on an already made purchase.

  2. Increased Customer Base: By offering cashback incentives, brands attract more customers who are motivated to make purchases and share their experiences with others. This organic growth leads to a larger and more engaged customer base, contributing to long-term success and profitability.

  3. Total control: Duo gives merchants the ability to tune their post-purchase referral strategy how they see fit.

To start setting up your duo referral program, learn how to set up the invite duration after a post-purchase cashback offer has been made

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